Announcing Your Loss on Social Media Platforms

Announcing Your Loss on Social Media Platforms

When you scroll through the social media feeds on your smartphone, you often see the perfect images and memories posted by people all over the globe, living their best lives. And it would surely come as a big shock to someone who just lost their near and dear ones. 

This is a correct depiction of how social media has the power to influence us in many ways. It is also a very important mode of communication. Hence, announcing something on it that's very personal to oneself can be a big decision and a delicate one for sure. 

Therefore, in these modern times, we must understand the amount of sensitivity that is needed to be shown in our surroundings. We must navigate our own paths along with finding the right words and approaching the deceased’s family with kindness. 

Considering your privacy and boundaries: 

When you are in the process of announcing your loss on social media platforms, take a moment to actually reflect on your own well being and how you are maintaining your boundaries and privacy because only then it would reap you some good outcomes otherwise, it is very much possible that you can get hurt with the unnecessary comments. 

Ask yourself whether you are comfortable enough with sharing this personal information with your online community life or not. In case you are not, it is completely fine. You can still reach out to your friends personally for their support. 

Choosing the right platform for discussion: 

Every social media platform has its own advantages and disadvantages, its own unique features, therefore a varied audience. Subsequently, this raises a question: which one to use for announcing such sensitive experiences.

Now, this choice is to be made by the individual depending on the type of circle they have on different platforms. For example, if you have a close-knit group on Instagram, then you might feel more comfortable sharing your loss out there. Or if you are a member of community groups like Reddit,  then you can always find people there with similar experiences. Do not feel isolated in any case. 

Being honest and authentic: 

Speaking your heart out is what everyone expects you to do, and it's crucial also for your own self being. It is important to be honest while sharing your experiences in a way that feels true to you. This will not only help you process your own grief but also allows your close folks to empathize with you in your difficult times. 

Using sensitive language: 

Using a certain type of language can make or break things. That is why, it is advisable to avoid using elongated stories, clichés or phrases that can be perceived as offensive and illogical.

One should express their emotions with utmost respect and authenticity, keeping in mind the right audience. For instance, instead of saying “I lost my mom”, you could use the words “My mom passed away recently”. These small changes in narration can make a big difference in how messages are often perceived by the users. 

Healing is a long process: 

At last, one has to be patient with one’s own emotions. Keep in mind that healing is a self journey and moreover, it cannot happen in a single day. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself to feel all the emotions as they come. Sharing your loss can help an individual in most cases, therefore, reaching out there for support can play a significant role in your healing journey. Surround yourself with love and people who understand you better in these challenging times. 


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